“There is an app for everything”.
I agree with the aforementioned statement; however, I found it difficult to find an application that allows you to create quotes in an intuitive way. while offering some secondary benefit (e.g. share on Instagram, browse other created quotes, etc..).
I think there are many amazing apps out there but having done a problem identification, SWOT and aWBS, I found feasibility for such an application to exist. As a result I continued my feasibility study producing all the necessary requirements to ensure a robust and customer-focused app.
I decided that doing a Hybrid application was best as I would also develop my web technologies and enable cross-device compatibility. During the feasibility study I did, I found that Ionic was the best framework for me. It is heavily based on AngularJS which I enjoy using for most of endeavours (not to mention everyone today is using it) and it integrates very well with PhoneGap and Cordova.
Once my environment was set up, it was basically hitting the ground running using AngularJS, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3 /SASS (or CSS4 if you like being ‘up-to-date’) and any other web technology that I’d choose to utilise.
This app will be FREE and without Ads for as long as it exists. I have no intention of financially benefiting form it. I have no estimates to when I believe it would be complete as I will take up a primary contract soon and would have to put this on hold. But fear not! Spare time is always available.
This project branched into many varying aspects of modern web development technologies and a few tools to aid in greater productivity.