Yesterday I was chilling on BBC because it was Sunday and I stumbled upon this article about the worst song ever so I thought, “c’mon World, this couldn’t be so bad” …. O.o


It starts off alright, good intro etc etc and then it all goes downhill the moment she says “bus stop”. I’m not gonna bash the song but there was not a lot of creativity in the lyrics and for a 13 year old there should be a BURST of emotion and creativity.

The positives:

The Videography is very good


The Nagatives:

– This song / music video is a classic example of how damaged the world is.


– WTF is this:

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after…wards
I don’t want this weekend to end


-Didn’t know 13 year old’s could get their license at 13.


– I like how she arrives at the bus stop and her friends pull up, she jumps in the car sings for like 30 seconds and then it’s night time…so what happened to school?



This could most likely be the worst ‘modern’ song ever.


Some statistics and info:

Song name: Rebecca Black – Friday

Release Date: March 14, 2011

Youtube views: -app- 29,600,000

Youtube ‘dislikes – likes’ ratio: 8 – 1 (respectfully)

iTunes listing: Top 25

Categorised As:Funny