When I was younger, one of my teachers told me that I should filter my friends because I have ‘bad company’. So I applied a filter but I didn’t really care about it until 2009.

I started using that filter more often but I guess I never really dug deep into it you know?
So yesterday The EPiC Ru posted a quote on Facebook that went a little something like this:
“Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
I think that might help…definitely.
Filter’s a awesome and I’m going to implement them
It just occurred to me that the implementation of a “like” button was a bit stupid.
So I just got a phone call from Berteck Graphics (or something like that) and the lady called to follow up on a quote that was emailed to me last week.
SO we were talking she wanted to know the situation and I told her that the person requesting the quote said that it was too expensive. Before she hung up she said “Well next time let me know please” and it was a bit disrespectful because generally ‘people are always busy’ and if you know me I am DEFINITELY always busy.
I then told her “my apologies but I was busy and had no time to reply”, she then muttered (and I am not 100% sure this is true, it might just be my mind playing tricks on me) “whatever” . I was kina pissed so I just hung up.