
Graham’s Canvas Snow Globe

Graham’s Canvas Snow Globe

This simple snow globe was pretty unique for its time and was developed by Graham Licence (not sure if last name).

Categories: Web Design

Twistori the Simplistic Twitter Wall

Twistori the Simplistic Twitter Wall

Twistori is a very simple wall of tweets developed by Amy Hoy and Tomas Fuchs which focuses on the hastags love, hate, think, believe, feel and wish.

Categories: The Internet, Web Design

What is Captcha and why it sucks


Captcha is a technology developed to ensure that a submitted information is genuine (like the image above). ReCaptcha is the very first Captcha system which was developed by Luis Von Ahn.


Categories: Fail, The Internet, Web Design

How to get Godaddy’s php5.ini file


Godaddy offers solutions to increase your upload_max_filesize, memory_limit, turn on file_uploads and increase your post_max_size.

When I was growing up, my mom always told me, “This php.ini file is incomplete!” Then she’d get the belt and beat me with it and make me do it over. For those of you who didn’t spend childhood in the Caribbean this is accepted and not ‘illegal’.


Do you use Windows Live Hotmail?



When I was 9 years old, I remember my uncle reading emails on his MSN account. I asked him a few questions about emailing (he’s an ‘IT guy’) and he gave me a simple explanation then asked me if I wanted an email account – of course I said “YES!”. 13 years and 6 Hotmail accounts later I realise that it’s time.


Reader, I present you with this question; do you have a Hotmail account?