This method would also be used on Cheeky Bingo and move on to be used on the Foxy Bingo. Ultimately it would be spread across all 28 websites. Unfortunately after the approval of the platform and the final product, Mirror had failed to renew their contract with bwin.party and the newly developed website would not see the light of day.
Additionally, I’d developed an interactive sitemap using arbor.js and documentation using web languages.
Mirror Bingo would be the first of the websites to use this new method and platform. Mirror Bingo was completely rebuilt and converted from a PHP based website to a website functioning primarily on JavaScript. In the first revision of the website, a single-page web app was built and webpages published from CQ5 were served from Handlebars.js. These pages would receive server-side data from the API and behave accordingly.
In the second revision, handlebars.js would be scrapped and Angular.js used instead. Angular provided a more robust solution to the platform’s application. the single-page app was disabled and the website was completed. The platform worked seamlessly; even with the major changes done to the back-end of the website, it looked exactly as it did before with the addition of a few new features which enabled better usability for end users.
Using Angular.js and an MVC approach, I built a platform to allow the company to phase out of their old PHP built websites and move their sum 28 websites into Adobe’s CQ5. The platform would utilise an API which I developed to sit between CQ5’s publishing instance and the 888 servers. The API would act as a mediator between the two and Angular JS would handle all requests.
This project branched into many varying aspects of modern web development technologies and a few tools to aid in greater productivity.